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[WIP] Mercury FPS Training Device

Hi there! this is my first time posting here 

This is a device that you put on while playing Counter Strike that tells you what to do in any situation and how to overcome situations that you face, similar to a coach.

As I worked on the project, there seemed like one concept that could fit well with the asymmetrical approach that I'm going with which is the left brain / right brain dominance theory. The right side focuses on analysis while the other side focuses on creativity.

The module on the left side reminds me of the winged helmet of the Roman God Mercury (or Hermes for Greek) so I have it named as that.

Right now I'm still working on the high poly. Making the low poly will be a challenge once I'm at that stage.

I hope to receive some feedback and suggestions 

Basic materials and colours render


Couple stages previous

Initial blocking

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