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Anime Texture Artist Needed for Indie Tactical RPG

*Disclaimer: This is a revenue split collaboration, not a job. Payment will be in the form of an equal split of the revenue generated from this game post-launch. 

Me and a group of programmer friends of mine are developing a tactical RPG heavily inspired by games like Fire Emblem. Our goal is to release a great product that we can all be proud of. We really just want to make a great piece of collaborative art rather than make a ton of money as indie devs. We are all hobbyists, not an official indie studio or anything. Day jobs are for money. Game dev is for passion. 

I originally planned on doing all the modeling, texturing, rigging, and animating myself no matter how long it took, but having at least one other good 3D artist on the team to form a small pipeline with would help things go much faster. 

The art style will be anime with a mostly seinen look to it probably with a level of detail equal to a Genshin character model. We are sticklers for optimization so models will likely be restricted to 3 - 4 materials each. Face, Body/Outfit, and Hair. Face and Hair will likely have 2k resolution and the body/outfit might have 4k on a case-by-case basis but will likely be 2k as well.

If anyone is interested in collaborating with us, please feel free to DM me a link to your portfolio and any questions you might have! 

I will likely be choosing an artist in around 1 month after reviewing all interested applicants' portfolios. 


  • spacesheep_001
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    spacesheep_001 polycounter lvl 2
    hey im a pro at substance painter, just give me reference and ill replicate any look, i can 3d model too if you need that also. heres my portfolio metaphysicalspatula.artstation.com. although i don't have that much in it since ive just started taking things seriously and actually finishing projects but ive been using painter for years. i can do you a demonstration too if you like, send me a model to texture and ill do one part of it. 
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