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[ Maya ] DecalMaster - Accelerate Detailing Through Decals and Trim Sheets

DecalMaster is a Maya plugin designed to accelerate the surface detailing phase by providing a UV-less, non-destructive, non-committal workflow through decals and trim sheets. It does this by enabling quick placement of decals onto a target mesh as well as automated uv unwrapping target mesh faces to trims within a trim sheet. These decals and trims are also automatically material matched to seamlessly blend with the target mesh surface.

DecalMaster also provides tools for baking your own custom decals and trim sheets which are then stored in libraries, they can then be accessed through the radial menu for quick selection when detailing. These libraries can also be shared amongst artists to further accelerate detailing.

DecalMaster lastly provides export tools, like an atlas editor to create decal atlases of the decals used in the scene, an export dialog to assist in outputting default game engine shaders, channel pack texture maps into compact files, as well as combine decals into a single mesh for optimal rendering performance in popular game engines like Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, etc.

DecalMaster enables you to focus on exploring details instead of executing repetitive procedures by automating the tedious tasks of material setup for decals and trim sheets, precisely projecting decals onto the target mesh, uv unwrapping faces along trims within a trim sheet, rapidly make adjustments and more.

Release Trailer


DecalMaster 1.0 supports Maya versions 2022-2025

All Details are Decals


  • Seamless UI/UX integration with Mayas existing floating menus based workflow, including non-intrusive hotkeys overlay

  • Streamlined transforming of decals, flows & trims directly in the 3D viewport using custom Maya manipulators

  • Decal placement onto target mesh using mouse raycast or selected faces

  • Project decals onto curved surfaces to precisely adhere to underlying target mesh topology

  • Support for both PBR normal mapped Decals and simple PNG image decals

  • Flow line placement onto target mesh using selected edges or boolean slice between target mesh and cutter geometry

  • Automated quad face unwrapping onto trim sheets

  • Support for both repeating and non-repeating trims with a selection from various fit modes

  • Advanced decal, flow & trim materials with up to three sub-materials to enable greater details and base material transitions

  • Automated material matching, parenting and normals transfer

  • Non-destructive workflow, remove or make adjustments to decals, flows, trims & their materials at any time without the need for construction history

  • Bake custom made decals, flows & trim sheets into your personal libraries or download libraries created by other artist

  • Decal atlas generation to combine decal textures used on a target mesh into a single texture file for improved rendering performance in game engines, separate back to individual textures at any time

  • Combine decals geometry into a single mesh for improved rendering performance in game engines, separate at any time

  • Export channel packed decal atlases and trim sheets used by target mesh for use in popular game engines like Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, etc.

  • Achieve high texel density without requiring a large texture for the entire mesh by utilizing repeating trims for large portions of the mesh & decals for unique details anywhere on the mesh, all while bypassing laborious UV unwrapping

  • Includes 35 Decals, 8 Flows & 15 Trims

  • Includes Example Maya Scene to Study

Parallax Occlusion Mapping in Unity

Planned Improvements

  • Radial menu library pages

  • Implement support for Parallax Occllusion Mapping in Maya viewport 2.0 & Arnold for preview before export to game engines

  • Improved symmetry support

  • Improved trim unwrap triangles and ngons support

  • Improved flow line placement onto concave topology

  • Cut floating trim quad area directly onto target mesh

  • Delete unused DecalMaster resources in scene

  • Option to save decal sizes per decal id

  • Enable base material texture matching to decals



Unity & Unreal Engine Renders

Imported into Unreal Engine

Unity Still Render

This is only the first version, there's still much I'd like to improve on but I'd like to start getting feedback so any suggestions or questions are welcome.  
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