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I'm interested in learning how to create simple design sketches but don't know how to start.

polycounter lvl 2
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coolguyslims polycounter lvl 2

I'm interested in starting a journey in game design through programming simple game systems and concepts. I'm currently working as a 3D Hard Surface Artist for video games, but I'd like to expand my skills in other areas on the side. I've had a few ideas for game concepts and I'd like to be able to create quick sketches to materialize my thoughts and test mechanics. Most of my ideas are related to combined elements of UI, animation, and UX.

Very simple stuff like this door opening time lapse from Obra Dinn. Not talking about creating a whole game.

I can create models and am familiar with UE5. I'd like to learn some very simple animation as well, but I already have some good resources for learning that. I'm not sure how I should get started with something like this, and since polycount has been my greatest ally when I was a student learning 3D art, I figured I should come back here.

Thanks for the help.


  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    unreal/unity/godot  - pick your poison 

    if you're already familiar with unreal it's the lowest friction option. 

    I would say that if you want to learn how stuff works it's possibly not the best place to start because it's very inflexible in how you approach problems,  Unity is much more open in that respect 

    I've barely used Godot - it's structured more like Unity so would most likely be as good an option (plus open source and not run by vampires).  I will be using it next time I embark on a project that doesn't work in unreal or defold

    I want to give a shout out to Defold while I'm here - it supports 3d but is mostly 2d based and it uses a bit of a weird paradigm (and lua)  but i've found it to be a really nice environment to get quick ideas down and working.  its completely free, you can get it on Steam, its well supported  and documented, inherently cross platform and King use it so you know it works in production

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    IMO unreal blueprint is easiest entry point to game programming that there is

    i began with unity and c# is supposed to be easy mode, but working with text code is just pulling teeth to me. I hate it. 
    after a few years with blueprint I can work in text code a bit (c++), but 99% of what i do can be done in blueprint so i just stick with that

    to learn there isn't a lot to it, it's just like you learned art. start by figuring out a little project you want to accomplish, find some tutorials that answer some of the big questions, and just get going with it. If you have any programmers available it is a good idea to get them to show you debugging and troubleshooting techniques when you are stumped, because if you learn some tricks to speed that up, life will be much easier. 

    if you are only making small prototypes life is much easier, you won't have to fuss over organization or optimization or maintainability, etc. So if you can just learn the basics of programming you'll be all set.

    how to work with animations and so on in unreal is very well covered by youtube so it shouldnt be a huge hurdle. but to make learning easier, i'd recommend to make a few tiny games where all of the output is text. Get a handle on basics of programming like that, and then you can focus on integration with assets separately.
  • Fabi_G
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    Fabi_G insane polycounter
    Hi! I found Game Jams to be a good opportunity to learn and find new areas of interest/fun. One of my favorite jams is Ludum Dare. Doing compo, you have something like 72 hours something fitting the theme, from scratch. Switching to the Jam category expands timeframe, allows collaboration and use of existing resources. I feel this is a great exercise to think of something simple and realize it. Often times my results are underwhelming, but it's fun, generates new ideas and helps to not completely forget things. I can imagine quite a few indie games originated from game jams. But aside from LD, there plenty of other jams tracked on itch.io. I remember doing the 1h jam a few times, which was pretty hectic. Personally, for these jams I like to use Unity, GameMaker or even something limited like flickgame.org (for 1h jam?). Important thing is, that it's fast to prototype and make a build. Sometimes I attended in person Jams, where we would make teams, agree on an idea, work on it and present in the evening (even if it didn't work). Maybe there's such a thing in your area too.

    More on the art side, I like to take a jab at the bi-monthly environment challenge. Here, I found it to be more fun if less trying to push out a AAA asset, but instead try out different techniques and time restrictions and thinking about how to live up scenes with animations or make them playable in engine.

    Another thing that gave me inspiration to explore more areas of 3d/animation, was loops by the artist Mantissa. I find similar as with game jams, the important part is coming up with something that's simple enough that it can be made, yet interesting enough that it's worth making. And often times an idea expands during the process.

    To keep notes, I would recommend an analogue note/sketchbook. Looking through old notebooks is very interesting and maybe one comes across old ideas, that are now possible or fit with other ideas. A sketchbook on the forums is also a cool way of documenting and sharing, like to now and then peep what others are doing and get inspired to do something myself.

    Well, that's my thoughts/ideas, much success :+1:

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