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Edge seams material issue artifacts (normal+height map)

polycounter lvl 4
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ArienFay polycounter lvl 4

I'm working on some furniture, but I have found a problem with the texturing steps. As you can see in the images, when I apply the material (a stylized material bought from an artist in Artstation), it gaves me some strange artifacts at the edges, which are also the UV seams. It only appears at the far ends, perpendicular with the wood grain.
I tried a lot of things, so far:
-I redid the mesh/UV, it happened again
-I tried other smart materials, and if they have some height/normal in them, it happens too
-I tried beveling the edges, in different settings and with new UVs, but the artifacts appear again
-I tried with some subdivisions, trying to reduce the triangles deformation, but nope
-I tried doing the UVs differents ways: manual, smart UVs, with addons...

Sooo, I don't know what else to do. I need some help, because it's so frustrating! 


  • Benjammin
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    Benjammin greentooth
    You're getting seams because you have seams in your UVs :) - If you want to avoid them you can:
    1. stitch those faces to the top surface edges so its seamless in your UVs (This will mean you have seams on the underside, though)
    2. Use a projection method instead of UVs. When I do wood things that need contiguous grain, I use planar projection at a wonky angle so the stretching/distortion are even.
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