My ArtStation:
https://www.artstation.com/luca23Wordpress: lucaslabstudio.wordpress.com
The aim of this project is to recreate the Belforte Castle (Trentino, Italy) in a dark fantasy
setting, using original environment assets and shaders. The concept behind the project is
Inspired by successful and acclaimed games such as Demon’s Souls (BluePoint Games,
2020), Silent Hill 2 (Konami, 2001), and Alan Wake 2 (Remedy Entertainment, 2023).
Similarly to these games, the environment will feature a horror immersive atmosphere with
dense fog which can create engaging scenarios and enemy encounters. The project will
feature third-person gameplay and will blend elements from the modern and medieval
world with a realistic style. This should create an interesting contrast that keeps the player
engaged and wanting to explore the environment.
Project Story
Following rumours of a new animal species discovered in the mountains near the small fictional city of Amara, a storm hits the town, and a mysterious fog engulfs the mountain peak. A scientist manages to arrive in the area only to find that the town is now almost deserted…
The real-world reference of the castle ruins location:

Some of the video game art references that I use to shape the environment:

Image 1 - Jonathon Gregory Bick (ArtStation)

Image 2 - Anthony O'Donnell (ArtStation)
Here below is my block out of the area, representing the main points of interest. These are preliminary and will be subject to minor changes during development:
Image 1 - Level Design Block Out
Image 2 - Area 1 populated by forest
Image 3 - Area 2 large square area
Image 4 - Castle Ruins
Here is a procedural material and a seamless texture I created using Blender and Photoshop:
Image 1 - Material Overview
Image 2 - Castle Ruins Wall Texture maps C-AO-N-Dp
Image 3 - Wall with Material Shader
Image 4 - Wall Reference Image
Image 1 - Castle Ruin assets assembled with the modular wall assets
I created also a material for the ground and applied some basic macro variations to avoid seeing the repetition of the seamless texture. I created it by taking photos at my local park and then working on photoshop to create a seamless texture. Other maps were generated with Materialize:
Image 2 - Rootsy Ground Original Material
I added a grass mesh I created previously with the foliage tool and checked the shader complexity. The grass asset is a texture atlas of several grass blades masked with an alpha, and animated with world position offset using the vertex color node to check on grass height:
Image 3 - Wall Assets with Grass and Ground Material
Image 4 - Shader Complexity