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The Mobius Machine NPCs

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NPCs for the game "The Mobius Machine" from Madruga Works 

The action takes place on the Isolaria moon, a world barely colonized by humans in the past and infested of vicious local species which the player should fight while explore the abandoned facilities of the colony. Some of these species are parasitic and they infected the colonists, turning them into hostile hibrid lifeforms and. On top of that, as if these threats were not enough, there are also a bunch of malfunctioning machines roaming the colony which won't hesitate to attack the player.

Design, modeling and texturing by myself. Rigging and animation by Matjaž Lamut

Amoeba: An amorphous lifeform filled with explosive gas. It can be found often hanging on the ceilings of abandoned buildings and it will drop on any intruder who disturbs the place.

Amoeba Mother: The reproductive stage of the amoebas, they spawn amoeba hatchlings which are mobile, once they grow up they lose this ability.

Amoeba Host: Like other species from Isolaria, amoebas can parasitize earthling lifeforms. This poor colonist was infected by an amoeba, when this happens the host hides in some dark corner and will attack any intruder.

Floater: One of the most common lifeforms on Isolaria. There are several species with a range of sizes, colors and behaviors.

Floater Host: Like other species on Isolaria, Floaters can also infect humans. The Floater takes the control of the host and it will spawn Floater Hatchlings as a defense mechanism if disturbed, since they prefer to avoid close combat.

Giant Floater: The Giant Floater has a set of deadly combat techniques, from spitting acid blobs or spawning Floater Hatchlings, to roll to smash its enemies.

Creeper: Creepers climb any surface using their 2 months. If they split in half, each of the halves are autonomous and in this stage they're called Crawlers because they lose their climb ability.

Creeper Host: When a Creeper infect a human, they won't behave under their own will anymore. Once the Creeper larvae are mature the human become a Creeper Zombie and some Creepers arise to the surface of their body.

Creeper Queen: A breeding Creeper, they can be really huge and like the smaller ones if they split in half, each of the halves become a Crawler Queen.

Aquatic Creeper: As its terrestrial relatives, the Aquatic Creepers can be divided into two Aquatic Crawlers.

Starfish: Another denizen of the Isolaria depths, it remembers the starfish from earth, but it has a huge mouth on its front face which is used also to spawn its larvae. If disturbed it can swim to chase the intruder.

Nautilus: Nautilus are very territorial and will attack anyone who enters their domain.

Seaweed: Aquatic plants from Isolaria, be careful with its spikes!

Crinoid: A sessile lifeform which can be found in the depths of Isolaria. As a defense mechanism, it spits a bunch of acid blobs which are almost impenetrable, but if it feels threatened, it will hide completely and stop the acid spitting.

Anemone: A dweller of the Isolaria deeps, It is attached to the ground, but if disturbed, it shoots an acid blob which has the ability to seek the intruder

Barnacle: A sessile organism that lives attached to the walls and spits acid blobs when disturbed.

Dangler: These little critters walk upside down on ceilings using their sticky paws. They'll spit acid at anyone who disturbs them.

Biter: A bipedal predator very common in the Isolaria deserts. Looking at its jaws it is easy to guess why it is called Biter.

Flying Biter: A winged relative of the land Biters, they're smaller in size but equal in voracity to their terrestrial relatives.

Blower: Very common in the floating forests, blowers are named for the air stream they produce when disturbed.

Floating Plant: These plants are very common in the Floating Forests, they produce a seed which ascend like a ballon if it is released from its stem.

Roller: These lifeforms are abundant on the Floating Forest, they're named after their locomotion method once they're dettached from the ground.

Stomper: Stompers are one of the floater species from Isolaria, they have a good size and get their name from their behavior of using their body mass to crush their prey.

Spitting Floater: Another denizen of the Floating Forests, it uses its 8 appendages to spit a bunch of acid blobs as a defense mechanism.

Floater Platform: These gentle creatures are denizens of the Floating Forests. They can be useful to traverse these habitats if the player know how to treat them.

Ancient Floater: Floater Platforms which live long enough become Ancient Floaters, when this happen they are not harmless creatures anymore.

Carapace: These harmless creatures have very hard carapaces that make them invulnerable even to blaster shots.

Spike Carapace: These guys have a really hard carapace covered in spikes, but when they feel threatened, they retract the spikes allowing to touch them safely.

Strider: Striders are smaller relatives of the Spiky Carapaces, they run fast using four of their legs and have a shell as harder as their bigger relatives.

Tendril: Tendrils were considered a pest by the Isolaria colonists, since they grow fast and infest the facilities in no time.

Megamaw: Floater Nests are actually a breeding stage of Floaters, they're sessile, but when they mature they become Floater Broadmothers, which if disturbed can be dettached and have the ability of chase and attack their enemies.

Caddisfly: Colonists called this creature for the caddisfly larvae from Earth, which build a case using objects from its environment. but the ones from Isolaria are giant, This particular one has built its case using huge junk pieces from a ship hull.

Sentry Bot: These are the security bots from the corporation, but due to the massive infestation of local fauna on the colony facilities, they were programmed to attack any organic lifeforms, so unless you’re not organic, stay away from them.

Dangler Bot: This machine was designed to move across the ceilings and neutralize any threat shooting a seeker rocket.

Seeker Mine: A suicide terrestrial drone armed with an explosive charge.

Drone: A flying drone armed with a powerful blaster.

Sentry Gun: An autonomous gun which will shot at any threat within its range.

Explosive Drone: A suicide drone armed with an explosive charge.

Stomper Bot: The primary function of these drones are to seek and crush any intruder.

Underwater Cluster Mine: These underwater suicide drones are armed with an explosive charge and they also release smaller mines when explode.

Aquatic Drone: These drones were used for underwater prospections, but its main function was forgotten long time ago and now they will attack any intruder they encounter during their patrols.

Elite Aquatic Drone: These drones were used for underwater prospections, but its main function was forgotten long time ago and now they will attack any intruder they encounter during their patrols.

Cyborg Megamaw: These abominations are the result of the Corporation experiments to use the local species from Isolaria as weapons by adding mechanical parts to them. Unfortunately for the Corporation these critters are as uncontrollable as they look.

Monstrosity Larva: This creepy fella gives vivid nightmares.

Monstrosity: The result of one of the craziest experiments from the corporation... what these guys were thinking?

Monstrosity Transformation: If detached from its peduncles, monstrosity show its set of mechanical legs, it is angry and has the ability to chase whoever has disturbed it.
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