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[WIP] Photogrammetry Bag Scene

polycounter lvl 5
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stefanWilliams_C polycounter lvl 5
Hello again, it's been a little while since I last posted!

So for this project, I'm scanning my good old Kånken bag and recreating a small scene using a photo I took last year as my main reference. 
My main goal with this one is to try out as much photogrammetry as I can, tweaking my workflow wherever it's needed. 

My PureRef is quite small at the moment but I'm still building ideas about how I want to have the ground foliage cover and what elements of the foliage I want to show off in the final composition. Right now Autumn colours seem like a great contrast with the deep green of my bag. 

Quickly bashed up a scene with basic composition in Blender using the current low poly of my scan. 
Below are some screenshots from RealityCapture (yay, it's free now!). The scan went pretty well I think, especially since I found a lovely grey day to shoot and the curbside provided good enough pixel edge contrast. 
The back straps are the messiest at the moment and I think will be hard to get perfect directly through RealityCapture, so I'll add that geometry in Blender instead. 

Excited to be starting up this project since I've been thinking about it for a while now! 
Would be great to get some feedback or tips or tricks when it comes to scanning and my scene idea :) 
Thanks for reading! 


  • stefanWilliams_C
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    stefanWilliams_C polycounter lvl 5
    Hello again! 
    It's been quite a long time since I've added an update onto this project, but I am working on it just veeery slowly with all the busy-ness of life. 
    As for progress, I've begun the texture cleanup/PBR generating and mesh cleanup phase. For now I'm in Painter adding a bit of patina to the material and cleaning up where things get a bit messy. For example, when it came to the Zippers, I didn't get very good results for the geometry so I decided to make that geometry myself. Did a bit of cleanup using that workflow for the bottom of the straps but I'm thinking it could be worth modeling the straps entirely rather than relying on the wonky scan. That being said though, I don't really plan to have the bottom of the straps visible in final renders :) 

    So there it is! Next up will be better material definition on the zipper 'teeth' and testing more in Engine :) 
    Thank you for reading and as always feedback on workflow or design choices is very welcomed! 
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