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Please Rate Portfolio. This Job Hunt has been brutal and I could use an honest evaluation.

polycounter lvl 3
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CF2 polycounter lvl 3
Hello everyone,

I've been modeling for decades, but I have hit a wall trying to bring my work up to AAA quality. Where do I go from here? Well, that depends on where I'm at.


  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    I think the important thing to ask yourself, what would you like to do? I see you have a lot of props, which is what I assume is what you're aiming for, but you have a human sculpt in there. I would pick a specialization and cut out anything that doesn't align with that.Then ask yourself, what would you like to work on or where you would like to work? This is to give you directions, a bar to hit and a start on searching the portfolios of those people who work on the things you want to work on.

    Once you start having those things defined for yourself
    • What do you enjoy making?
    • Where would you like to work?
    • What quality bar do you need to hit?
    The rest starts becoming easier, it also makes it easier to critique your portfolio. Right now here are my thoughts on your portfolio as it is:
    • Your props are the most developed parts of your portfolio, I would get rid of anything that is too old or doesn't meet that quality bar.
    • Even though your props are the most developed, I would want to see them placed in a scene with context. What are they for? What world do they belong to? Who uses this? Little storytelling and presentation elements that can really elevate your work to the next level.
    • You should get rid of the Chacho's house, or at least upload a proper screenshot. Taking a photo of your screen with your phone feels super amateurish, when there are a billion and one ways to capture a screen or render.
    • The props you have chosen, while done fairly well, don't show a long of challenge or complexity, they feel rather "safe"
    • Some things like the lamp post or the engine make me wish there in a scene, like the lamp post on a simple street corner or the engine being taken out of the car that you have modeled (they seem to be from the same make/model) in a garage
    I hope this is helpful!
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