Is applying zremesh the only way to fix this poly stretching issue on my model’s furrowed brow? I tried using the smooth brush but it instead just reduced the form/shape of the brow itself. I have attached a shot of it to this post so you can see.
Help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much for taking the time to share these helpful tips gnoop . Just one last thing though, hypothetically, if was designing this guy for being used in a video game, would I definitely need to apply zremesh?
Zremesher isnt there to fix facetting, it can with enough density, but you might as well just subdivide your mesh once more.
You need low poly model for video games . As well as for animation too . The one hi res surface could be baked as normal map or displacement . It's not only games related actually . Nobody animates anything made of millions of polys . You can use any retopology tool if you don't like Zremesher. Blender,3d max or MAya too . Wherever you feel comfortable. Zremesher is just a half automatic approach using any curve producing brushes as guides for polygon flow.