Thought I'd post this as a start, seemed fitting to do the sign first of the building if I were going to make the building and the scenes in it. Most likely the project will turn out to be in Game Renders and Videos but might turn into a small playable demo of some of my favorite fan art to play.
Update : Start of Repo And getting things adjusted for project, lots of technical things to figure out, but here's a few screenshots of the progress so far
We got a new T-800 Model character rigged for Unreal, but it's not fully implemented yet, but it's gonna look sweet next to the building and scenes.
Other Blueprint commands will be necessary throughout the project including; - Programming the Keypad to Open the Door / Not Open Doors - Mini Gun Animations and Pawn Movements - Barrels Bomb Building Explosion Ignition and Explosion - Many more in the scene were doing.
Looking for a skilled or enthusiastic Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Artist to join the team for our project.
Currently we have 3 members on the team
1. 3D Artist 2. Environment Artist / Level Artist 3. Character Artist 4. [EMPTY] BLUEPRINT ARTIST 5. [Empty] Spot - for 3D/ Programmer/ FX/ Character/ Level or basically anyone who wants to join and has a skill
Looking for Blueprint Artist who likes the movie Terminator 2 and wants to work on the famous scene in the movie where they enter and leave the Cyberdyne Building.
Includes: Paid Repo Includes: Killer Portfolio Project Includes: Interesting team and convo Incudes: Bonus Content
If you are interested and you just don't think you fit the Blueprint part, we do have room for one more spot if your not that good in blueprints still apply (easy just email or send discord message) with what you do and with Terminator 2 mentioned and well see what we can do.
If Interested Email me Brandon at or hit me up on Discord: general.swordfox
We got a new T-800 Model character rigged for Unreal, but it's not fully implemented yet, but it's gonna look sweet next to the building and scenes.
I think it's starting to come together a little bit
Roweena is working on the Famous Cyberdyne Keypad

some screenshot of that...
Update on progress for the last two days
Video of latest
Version 5
I'm Brandon
Only the chosen ones may enter. (Oh Wait, that's a different movie) :P Lol
Character Programming / Blueprint work needed for this character here in this video
A link to the current status of the project
Other Blueprint commands will be necessary throughout the project including;
- Programming the Keypad to Open the Door / Not Open Doors
- Mini Gun Animations and Pawn Movements
- Barrels Bomb Building Explosion Ignition and Explosion
- Many more in the scene were doing.
Looking for a skilled or enthusiastic Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Artist to join the team for our project.
Currently we have 3 members on the team
1. 3D Artist
2. Environment Artist / Level Artist
3. Character Artist
5. [Empty] Spot - for 3D/ Programmer/ FX/ Character/ Level or basically anyone who wants to join and has a skill
Looking for Blueprint Artist who likes the movie Terminator 2 and wants to work on the famous scene in the movie where they enter and leave the Cyberdyne Building.
Includes: Paid Repo
Includes: Killer Portfolio Project
Includes: Interesting team and convo
Incudes: Bonus Content
Other projects , more movies possible for later.
See our company
If you are interested and you just don't think you fit the Blueprint part, we do have room for one more spot if your not that good in blueprints still apply (easy just email or send discord message) with what you do and with Terminator 2 mentioned and well see what we can do.
If Interested Email me Brandon at
or hit me up on Discord:
Or join our discord channel
Frog Invasion Games Company Channel:
Terminator Fan Art Remake Game Channel: