How can I improve the topology especially around the nose. It's getting a bit messy and more complicated to manage the geometry. There are some poles created which is a bad sign and the smoothing doesn't look good either at a certain point. The level of polygon density around the nose is about satisfactory for what I want the final model to have because I don't want to use subdivision. I'll add more loops around the eyes later too!
Any advice would be appreciated!

I mean you have a few different mesh resolutions clashing here, there is only so much you can do. The position where the loops join make sense but its too many 5 star poles in the same spot. Would have to play with it on a computer to solve it properly
Btw is this like a basemesh or your low poly? If its the low don't be scared of triangles
@okidoki That actually worked well! The shading artifact is now much reduced and there's one less pole so the topology looks much cleaner. Thank you
@Eric Chadwick I'll check it out. Thanks
Glad you solved it though! :P
This area is going to be tricky, but I'll see how it goes!
Personally i start with eyes, mouth and the nose, and then grow outwards from there, the jaw/cheek is an area that sorta grows naturally out of these circular shapes
@Neox I started with those features, but persisted to add more geometry because the features didn't seem defined like the nostril loops which take smaller polygons to construct! They temptation overcame me!
It seems now that the loop are more natural and generally match up with a lot of face topology references I've seen