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Feedback on Trailer & Demo Reel

Hello Everyone! I'm new here, i would like to receive some feedbacks on my work and possibly on my demo reel as well.

Here i present to you Yin, the pair of my other character Yang, from my childhood imagination.
She is supposed to be a Mortal Kombat Universe goddess.The trailer takes place after Kronika’s death, more backstory and detailed description can be found in my Artstation site ArtStation - Unique Mortal Kombat character -"Yin"-, Csaba Kiss

Trailer : https://youtu.be/TY2tAblRLNY

Demo Reel: https://youtu.be/k_lB9PcTHHs

I would really much appricate some feedback or reactions on these project of mine.

Many thanks for everyone in advance!
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