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critiques and feedback for a short animation

polycounter lvl 2
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AmiraC93 polycounter lvl 2
Hello guys :)

I have been looking for an honest feedback about this short animation created : 
ArtStation - 3D Animation Subway Porte de La Villette - PARIS (Animation-wips+viewports renders), Amira Chaghal

it's a reproduction of parisian subway place, I modeled it in Blender and created textures in Substance Designer, I would like some honest reviews about this one in order to improve my work for next environnements.

the animation is finished at 0:22 , rest is just showing the 3D in viewport.You can see some renders from the viewport in the same page.

Thank you very much :) 


  • iam717
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    iam717 greentooth
    "honest feedback"
    Ahh, Okay *cracks fingers & stretches* whatever is going on from 0:06 - to 0:08 is strange without any context if it was supposed to be some sort of anomalous interference it didn't work on me, it looked odd & bother some.

    0:17(strong wobble for me) the start of the effect is too strong for me, its alright but i felt it was too strong but it did work well after the start of it.
    That is all i got from an outsiders perspective on never seeing this before.  

    Other than that i can not add to any other aspect of your reel.  Perhaps you will receive feedback from those who know more about the environmental aspects of creation, looks alright otherwise than what was stated, music was cool, textures seem fine to me.

  • AmiraC93
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    AmiraC93 polycounter lvl 2
    Hello thank you :) I appreciate that ^^ all the aspects you described for sure also bugged me , so I agree , I always look for an external "advice" to improve so thank you for pointing the issues
    for the part that bothered you, yeah it's an easy fix in montage but indeed in real life what happens it that you have a "metro card" that you point to the portals and then they will open, since I haven't integrated hands or anything ,it's indeed very weird you're right xD haha
    Sure was hoping to get more about the 3D work side, the whole animation isn't supposed to have a story for it , it's just a trial I made while learning blender and substance but then you're right may be someone must know the parisian subway for it to judge the environnemental part more 

    But the fact you pointed out to the "context" made me realize it's true that the start is weird (even for a test) and I agree a story is always needed for a space ,will develop that more for sure in the future
  • ThisisVictoriaZ
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    ThisisVictoriaZ polycounter
    Hi! As far as the 3D side of this i noticed a couple things that stood out to me. The first thing i noticed was the grunge on your card readers (dont know the correct name, circled in red) looks randomly placed 

    I would do some research on what exactly causes rust to appear on surfaces like this, my first thought is that it wouldn't just be in the middle of the flat surface but mostly on the edges and bottom. Secondly I would say that in the same screenshot the posters and things on the sides look like they're missing shadow or AO, they don't look as grounded in the scene as the rest of the placed assets do. 
    Overall it does look very realistic, and when I googled some reference it looks pretty true to real life, so nice job on the modeling and texturing so far!
  • AmiraC93
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    AmiraC93 polycounter lvl 2
    hey :D YOU have a good eye on this , indeed there was no AO rendred or post produced , and in the right it's very noticeable with the security red box on the wall,as you said , looks like flying :) , for the rust , thank you for correcting me , I omit that indeed, will make sure to develop the next space with real reference for materials as well to understand better how they react in time in which spot(edges or middles etc) :) thank you for your feedback it helps me to know how to correct things next time ! cheers
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