I find that when I'm making larger assets that require masks for things like edge wear etc., if the asset is big the masks tend to be low res depending on the size. Is there a way to get better resolution masks? What is the workflow for texturing big meshes that require tiling textures, some edge wear or other masks like dirt?
general things to try:
find a larger image to use for mask
use a noise brush to paint the mask manually
use an upscaler (free on internet) to increase resolution of an image
use geometry to screen view of large areas
layer several mask on top of each other
where are you getting your images to use as mask from? Most of the big texturing apps come with hundreds of generic grunges and such and usually are at least 1024, usually more.
Images would help a lot. Words like "large" and "better quality" aren't very precise.
Not sure what rendering engine you are using, but for most of the big game engines you can find tutorials which will show you have to do basic edge/slope detection in the shader. And multiplying that with a texture or procedural noise is simple thing to add on.
How granular that gets depends on the geometry.
If you take that rock model example and scale it up large enough it will look blurry - that is inevitable. If you are getting your resolution from the UV bound texture the only way to increase resolution is to use a larger texture.
often times for large rock formations it is composed of many models jammed together. Because noisey natural things like rocks easily blend together. SO you might have a rock formation model that is like 50 meters tall and you put a bunch of those together to form a cliff.
A macro scale projected overlay texture helps to further make it all seem like one cohesive thing, and can also work to make it feel more detailed.