I go by Roomy online, and I've been developing a game called Verdict for a few years. About six months ago I started developing a sequel in Unity, moving from 2D to 3D using sprite billboards for the character. This has been a fantastic change and has been well worth it thus far, but I've yet to figure out our map situation.
tl;dr: I don't like the way billboarding looks for houses/mountains/terrain/etc., so I'd like to have those modeled. The ideal here is using ReSprytile (
https://github.com/ionthedev/ReSprytile/releases) to make models out of our existing tilesets. This is an incredibly crude example of a mountain I quickly threw together:

I'm looking for a 3D artist that can adapt existing (and potentially new) spritework to models for buildings and terrain. I'm very inexperienced in the 3D modeling realm and would love an opportunity to experiment (like beveling edges and making rougher topology for this mountain would be interesting, for example).
If you're interested, you can contact me @:
Discord: roomyrooms (fastest)
Email: jtdavis99@gmail.com (slow)
Here (slowest)
I anticipate paying 50% upfront and 50% upon completion of work. Pay is negotiable! You can check out other examples of what I've been working on on my twitter: