So I am in too deep:
am supposed to make something that does this (see links), when you
move the model In unity:
idea at
the model in Maya, rig and skin it in Maya, then send it to
But how do I make a Rig in Maya,
where you can move the bone, and then all the ligaments movements
follows realistically. (It will consist of several parts- Bone and 5 to 12 ligaments.).
Plus! there cannot be any clipping, no
part of any of the models may go through each other, so it shall
practically work as if it was Real.
And when everything
works in Maya, I am supposed to get it all into unity:
Rig, Skin-weights and perhaps deformers too.
Then send it
to Unity, and make it into a prefab.
And then someone else shall
be able to load the prefab into any unity scene, and then be able to
move the bones in real-time, and have the ligaments move
I don´t need an explanation on how to do
this, what I really need, is recommendation on what tools to use in
to do this.
And then ideas on where I can find information, to
help take such a thing into Unity, and make it into a prefab etc.
Rigging something that behaves in this way in Maya is a long solved problem with a wide variety of solutions.
Getting this to work as you describe in unity is not a long solved problem and will require a clever (likely custom) solution.
The Unity part will determine how you build your Maya rig so you need to start by working out what Unity's capabilities are
As you say, doing this in Maya is pretty straight forward, getting it into Unity is a whole different story.
(Yesterday I had a talk with one of my old Maya tutors, and he kinda said the same).
And I am really greatfull for your comment, because my plan (if no one answered me), was to just do it in Maya, using a rig, paint some skin-weights, add some deformers, and maby using some softbody fx etc. But as you mentiond, that might have been a lot of work, to just find out, that most of it does not even translate over to Unity.
So I´ll try to see, if I find out how to solve the Unity part, and if it is even possible in Unity.
Guess the unity forums is the place for that.
Thank you so much.