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Need YOUR help/critique for a Overwatch/Valorant stylized Character Model!

I want to create a 3D Character model based on the displayed concept, the intention is to make it in an Overwatch/Valorant style. Feel free to point out any mistakes aside from the points I mention.
The main part I seem to have a problem with are the proportions, even though the current model is more or less in a blocking stage with parts which still need refinement, It doesn't seem to feel like the concept.

It could be the pose of the concept which gives me difficulties to pinpoint where the mistakes are, however I do have to account for that, since I obviously can't pose it before the model is finished.

QUESTIONS ---------------------------------------

Q1: Are there any noticeable changes in terms of proportions or silhouette which could bring me closer to the concept?

Q2: Advice which could bring me closer to the desired overwatch style? (Noticeable features I need to pay attention to)

Q3: Any general tips when working with a concept without having orthographic views?

Thanks in advance!!

(Concept is named Mulan by Alird on Artstation)
Link: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8w2x3G


  • Fabi_G
    Online / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi! Jumping out the most to me, is that the legs are too long. To get closer to the concept, I would measure (in head units) it to extract the proportions. Could even create a simple skeleton early, that way you could check with your blockout that key poses work before going into much detail.

    When evaluating, I would do so also looking through the camera used for final presentation. Maybe you find some 3d models of existing characters to place next to yours for comparison.
  • Cinemini
    Ah yes, I see! Thank you for pointing it out!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Just on my phone right now. But OW is all about juicy bevels and readable edges. Get rid of the 90° angles and add some nice 45° chamfers so the can catch lights and shadows. Also work on stuff a bit further away to avoid details being too small.
    Do not just stuff things into things, make sure there is always a nice integration between 2 parts. If you have armor on top of body parts, float the a bit and add some padding on the inside.
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Yeah the whole feet, legs, crotch should be scaled down. The head looks tiny too.
  • Cinemini
    Neox said:
    Just on my phone right now. But OW is all about juicy bevels and readable edges. Get rid of the 90° angles and add some nice 45° chamfers so the can catch lights and shadows. Also work on stuff a bit further away to avoid details being too small.
    Do not just stuff things into things, make sure there is always a nice integration between 2 parts. If you have armor on top of body parts, float the a bit and add some padding on the inside.
    Thank you for the critique, I will make sure to apply it to the model. I have looked at some OW Highpoly models, just for clarification, did you refer to those parts in terms of padding for the armor? (Purple highlighted parts)

    img Source: https://www.zbrushcentral.com/t/overwatch-characters-art-dump/206401https://www.artstation.com/artwork/xwg8Y
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Yeah exactly, this is how we hide clipping between parts. Looks a lot nicer than just metal clipping into other surfaces. You can also take a look at our highpolies
  • MagicMeister
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    MagicMeister triangle
    Check out this talk from an Overwatch character artist, Rakan Khamash

    This should illuminate some of the stylistic highlights to incorporate from Overwatch.

    The biggest takeaway, from the 45+ min video is "Say it, or don't". Basically, if you are including a form, you need to give that form a strong presence in the silhouette or rhythm of the character.

    As far as your character looks so far, I would agree with everything said so far about the proportions of the head being a bit too small and the legs / hips region being too long, but I would also add that her chest looks kind of flat. Not her boobs being small, that's fine, but the sternum / ribcage area just looks kind of flat whereas in reality that area should be more turned upwards. That effect of the lifted trunk or ribcage is also usually exaggerated a lot in stylized characters to give them a spritely, energetic appearance.
    Here's a reference I just cooked up, sry for it being kind of scuffed. Im workin with a trackpad and my finger, lol.
    The red dots are trying to emphasize centers of mass for the chest and the shoulders

    Edit: Forgot to mention that I love the direction your piece is heading in. Great work so far!

  • Cinemini
    Check out this talk from an Overwatch character artist, Rakan Khamash

    This should illuminate some of the stylistic highlights to incorporate from Overwatch.

    The biggest takeaway, from the 45+ min video is "Say it, or don't". Basically, if you are including a form, you need to give that form a strong presence in the silhouette or rhythm of the character.

    As far as your character looks so far, I would agree with everything said so far about the proportions of the head being a bit too small and the legs / hips region being too long, but I would also add that her chest looks kind of flat. Not her boobs being small, that's fine, but the sternum / ribcage area just looks kind of flat whereas in reality that area should be more turned upwards. That effect of the lifted trunk or ribcage is also usually exaggerated a lot in stylized characters to give them a spritely, energetic appearance.
    Here's a reference I just cooked up, sry for it being kind of scuffed. Im workin with a trackpad and my finger, lol.
    The red dots are trying to emphasize centers of mass for the chest and the shoulders

    Edit: Forgot to mention that I love the direction your piece is heading in. Great work so far!

    Ah yeah I watched that a while back! Really Good points! Thank you.
  • Cinemini
    Here is a small update from the Character above, Thank you all for the Feedback, I tried to apply it and that's my current progress.

    I changed the major body proportions, tried to get rid of smaller details, added more chamfers to the edges and polished the Hair.
    (along with other small changes)

    If any of those points I mentioned still seem off, feel free to point them out again!

    I polished the face some more and intend to give it more "character" make it more unique and fitting to the Overwatch style.
    Feel free to give any kind of feedback beyond that as well!

    (There are still some placeholder models which would be changed later on)

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