This seemed like the correct place to put it but I'm new to posting on these forums so correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm going to dedicate time every day for the next month to try and get better at sculpting faces, particularly female ones, as it's something I often WANT to sculpt but just haven't put in the hours to do.
I'm also going to try and get better at
![B) B)](
![B) B)](
aka referencing pieces similar to what I want to achieve instead of just fumbling blindly.
I'll figure out a template for how I post these daily pieces as I go along, this thread is hopefully enough to keep me obligated to this self improvement project.
Constructive critisism very welcome, examples even more so
Time spent ~2 hours
Not perfectly on reference, but honestly with how it looked 1 hour in I'm very ok for day 1 knowing my own limitations.
I think I have a tendency to make eyes too big and placed too far out, found myself re-sizing and shoving them deeper several times during this process
I really struggle with the shape of the entire eye socket. I should look at some breakdowns of the planes
Reference: by Mioree
More happy with the front view today, albeit I dont feel like I captured the reference shape exactly
Reference by various artist of generic female face references
Time Spent: 3h~
Started this one late in the day so I had to keep it shorter
EDIT: This one was rushed while I was near asleep and it showed. Spent 10 minutes tweaking things as I opened it today and updated the images. Is this cheating the challenge? idk maybe. Should be said it's still not my favorite but there were some fundamental stuff I completely glanced over yesterady
Juri my beloved
Onto the final day remake of my first piece
Here's just a reminder where we started