Hello Everyone,
I require assistance, I have spent at least 8 hours reading articles, watching videos, scoured the
Texture Atlas articles on polycount and tested...nothing.
I wish to have a texture Atlas containing repeatable textures. I understand the principle, but I am unsure how to implement it. The methos is as follows:
UV Map Channel 1: the
selected objects UV islands are placed in the correct space on the Atlas texture.
UV Map Channel 2: The UV islands are
scaled to achieve the required result, saving texture space.
How on earth can one achieve this result in 3ds Max and setup a shader to view the results without working blind, whilst reducing bleeding from neighbouring pixels.
This is for a VR Project within Unity.
I have 3ds Max, Substance Painter and Photoshop at my disposal.
All answers are welcome.
One uv, but use tiling values in the individual bitmaps to tile them.
example: https://ericchadwick.com/img/ecommerce.html#GlamVelvetSofa
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I will try opening the gTifs in work on monday to see the UV's in 3ds Max.
I think, this is similar to what I am supposed to do...except I am to have one texture Atlas containing repeatable and non-repeatable textures.
The first UV channel is to place the islands over the specific texture space in the Atlas - for example a repeatable stone texture - standard procedure.
The second UV channel is to specify the scale for the same islands on the stone texture - to ensure a good texel density. Unity only uses this map channel for scaling purposes, no maps information will be used.
Other than the obvious reason, of reducing textures and draw calls, our goal, is to be able to add assets at any time without requiring Unity developers to manually add and setup new assets. This requires that all scaling/tiling of all materials stays within the expected parameters. Therefore this needs to be controlled/setup through the scaling of the UV's.
Setting up the UV channels is not an issue - my issue is setting up the shader within 3ds Max, to achieve an accurate representation so I can see the result of the UV island scaling, without this am blind. The latest, I have been experimenting (unsuccessfully) with OSL in the material slate editor.
Any suggesttions?
Oh and Eric, those assets in your link are gorgeous!!! Will be studying them once am through this shit storm.
You just need a shader in Unity that supports per-texture scaling, so you can scale (tile) only the normal map and not the occlusion. I think the Standard Shader does allow this.
With the viewport set to High Quality, you'll see the untiled occlusion and tiled bump. I disabled the dynamic Ambient Occlusion here, so you can see only the AO texture.
If you set the viewport to Active Shade it will be slower, but you'll get to use effects like Sheen to create fabrics like velvet. In Unity I think you have to build your own shader to do stuff like Sheen, Clearcoat, Anisotropy, etc.
As for ShaderFX, currently starting to check out the Max help on the subject. Is there a big difference between OSL and ShaderFX?
And can you recommend a good place for tutorials and guidance on the subject? I have come accross an issue already following the Max help ShaderFX Intro Sample Workflow:
It can also help sometimes to post your progress here for assistance.
OSL is a shading language, while Shader FX is a node based shader editor.