my blendshape for the elbow deformation completely breaks if the arm isn't set in a T-pose.
Do I seriously have to create corrective blendshapes for each edge case? Is there a way for me to disable/modify it when the shoulder joint isn't in a neutral T-pose position? I have heard about plugins such as mrgear and RBF solvers, are they absolutely necessary even for an amateur rigger like me?
But more importantly, for bending of the elbow you should be able to accomplish it just with more careful skinning and not need the corrective in the first place.
So that is all to say, I don't think you should need to go beyond 101 rigging techniques to solve a problem of the elbow not looking good when bending. Usually if you just make the skin weights have sharper contrast in that area that should solve the problem. If there is still a big problem I think in most cases for games you'd be better off adding an additional bone(s) to hold shape rather than using a corrective blendshape.