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Substance to Vray - Iray looks better than Vray

Hello community! Hope your great wisdom can help me to find what I am doing wrong on my workflow. I have been struggling with it for a long time and I am not able to find a solution anywhere. So please, help me! 

When I texture my models on Substance painter, I get pretty good result on its engine Iray but I am not able to transfer those same results to Vray in order to animate the scene in 3D Max.

Now I am working on a simple model with several udims and normal map looks like it does not look propertly. When I export textures from substance I use a Vray preset with roughness and metallic maps instead of glossines. Apart from that I use BaseColor and AO on the diffuse channel.

I used same HDRI and lighting.

For me there is two big topics:

1- Normal maps does not look the same in vray. When Apply it breaks geometry in some parts or it looks like it does not affect at all. What is going on?
2- In substance I can not export reflection map as log file tells me there is no such information on maps. Why?, Then, how can I control how shiny it is on vray?

I have atached some images of the process. Thanks so much for your help!


  • Eric Chadwick
    What exactly looks wrong? Can you please put closeups directly next to each other, side-by-side?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Also how are you exporting the mesh from Substance (format and settings) and importing into Max?
  • Artmonso
    Hi Eric, thanks so much for your answer! The mesh I am using is the original I used for Uv mapping in 3D Max, I mean, the process I followed is the next:
    1. Model in Zbrush High Poly
    2. Retopology and mapping in 3D max
    3. Baking in susbtance
    4. After exporting the textures I am applying them directly into the mesh I mapped in 3d max (which is the same I exported to bake in substance)

    Here it is a closer look of them next to each other. As you can see, shadows and colors looks weird on the vray version and reflections are out of control. On teh other hand metal materials looks quite artificial on vray and normal map seems not work on corners.


  • Fabi_G
    Online / Send Message
    Fabi_G high dynamic range
    Hi! The shading showing in the left image looks like the normal map could be gamma corrected/sampled as sRGB. Another question is whether its green channel points in the correct direction. I don’t know how to address those points specifically in Max, but perhaps there is a v-ray documention that goes over the setup.
  • Artmonso
    Ok, I have found some interesting results that can lead to solve it, but I am still confused. As I mentioned I am using Udims for maps, so I have tried to use only one of those udims (the one which contain the information of BOSS logo and that rubber black piece, only that one). The result is a perfect normal map fitting in those parts and a bunch of disorder on the rest produced by the auto fill of normal lines. It means that it works perfectly one by one, so the problem must come from how udims are applied.  

    For udims I am using MultiTile map for. What do you think about it. I am sharing the image with only the normal map of that section applied.

  • Artmonso
    Hi guys! I finally solved! The problem came because normal maps from different udims were overlapped each other, so I have used a composite in addition mode for each map, and turned off "Tile" on the bitmap, as the same time I move U tile direction in orther to fit each map within its own cell. This way I have achieved that each udims only displays on its position and not tile all over the mapping world.
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