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Looking for Critiques on Likeness Sculpt of Hayden Christensen

Hey all!
I'm looking for some honest feedback on a likeness sculpt I'm currently working on. I'm wanting to create a 3D art piece of Anakin Skywalker from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, so I'm trying my best to create a likeness of Hayden Christensen from 2005.
I'm unsure what else to modify/fix before moving onto the higher sculpting details, as I feel like I'm missing some aspects of the likeness.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated :)
Thank you in advance.


  • Rima
    Offline / Send Message
    Rima polycounter
    I might recommend posting, with your sculpt, images of the references you're using next to them. That way, it's easier to judge how you're doing, because I don't think anyone has the specifics of Hayden Christensen's face solidly in their memory.
  • DNvL
    Thanks for the reply! Here are some of the references I've been using 
  • DNvL
    Here's some more progress btw :)

  • carvuliero
    Offline / Send Message
    carvuliero hero character
    There are a lot of things that are not where they are suppose to then compared to the real guy
    My suggestion is to start slow and try to get big shapes in relation to each other first
    Will be a good idea to find more and better reference rewatching  the movie and saving as much ref as you can will surely help with that Then simple sort them out and pick the best few for your main then you can start tweaking the head

  • DNvL
    Thank you @carvuliero for the reply, I appreciate your advice :)
    Yeah I totally see the differences now that you've pointed out that the proportions are off compared to the reference with the drawing example you included, thank you!:)
  • HarlequinWerewolf
    Online / Send Message
    HarlequinWerewolf polycounter
    I think you've jumped ahead a few steps here. I would recommend knocking this down a few subdivisions and working at low resolution until you have all of the primary forms in place, as carvuliero has pointed out. Then you can move up a subdiv and start adding secondary detail
  • DNvL
    Thank you! @HarlequinWerewolf
    I appreciate your help. I'm going to lower the subdivisions and try to get the primary forms as you and Carvuliero have suggested. Thanks :)
  • Ruz
    Offline / Send Message
    Ruz insane polycounter
    I think it's a good  start , just got to keep fiddling with it . likenesses are so hard to get right from sculpt to final render with texture
    The eye socket seems  a bit too pronounced and the eye bags are making him look older,maybe just smooth them off slightly.
    it's all speculative though, as you look at the ref more, you will see more things and improve
    its not a million miles away though
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