Hey all!
I'm looking for some honest feedback on a likeness sculpt I'm currently working on. I'm wanting to create a 3D art piece of Anakin Skywalker from Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, so I'm trying my best to create a likeness of Hayden Christensen from 2005.
I'm unsure what else to modify/fix before moving onto the higher sculpting details, as I feel like I'm missing some aspects of the likeness.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

Thank you in advance.

Thank you @carvuliero for the reply, I appreciate your advice
Yeah I totally see the differences now that you've pointed out that the proportions are off compared to the reference with the drawing example you included, thank you!:)
I appreciate your help. I'm going to lower the subdivisions and try to get the primary forms as you and Carvuliero have suggested. Thanks
The eye socket seems a bit too pronounced and the eye bags are making him look older,maybe just smooth them off slightly.
its not a million miles away though