I'm working on a project using the Standard Pipeline in Unity.
The artist has sent the follow textures along with an .abc grass mesh:
But we have been using the Autodesk Interactive Shader which looks like this:
Where do the Displacement, Opacity, and Translucency maps go?
Should we not be using the Autodesk Interactive shader? (I've had good results with it before.)
-This is my first professional job, and I don't want to screw it up, or look like a fool in front of the client. But things have evolved since I completed by degree, and am a little lost here (I'm not in direct contact with the artist, and any questions would have to go via the client). So any help would be greatly appreciated.
Once shaders are set, it's clear what maps and packing is required. Some programs (like Painter) allow for export presets. I think ideally, artists check their assets in a test scene in engine, using the shaders. If for different people the asset look different, giving feedback/iterating is going to be a pain.
Good luck!