I'm trying to convert a script that I use for transferring UVs to use connect component to draw edges between selected verts. Current it draws a single line and then gives a weird error.
Warning: Can't perform polyConnectComponents4 on selection
Here's the current python script
import maya.cmds as cm
#grab all the selected objects
selectedObjects = cm.ls(sl=True)
#save first one into variable
#pop first one out of the selected objects list
driver = selectedObjects.pop(0)
#for each object in the selected objects list
for object in selectedObjects:
#Connect Components
cm.polyConnectComponents(ch=1,insertWithEdgeFlow=0, adjustEdgeFlow=1)
Any help or suggestions are appreciated
driver = cm.ls(sl=True,fl=1,tl=1)
selectedObjects = cm.ls(sl=True,fl=1)
for object in selectedObjects:
cm.polyConnectComponents(ch=1,insertWithEdgeFlow=0, adjustEdgeFlow=1)