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Cant mix albedo over normal map.

quad damage
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kanga quad damage
Toolbag  v4.06 (4064)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz   2.30 GHz
Ram: 8.00 GB
64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Hi! Trying to paint opaque albedo over a toolbag material. Placing the paint layer under the material layer knox out the paint layer and when the material layer mode is multiply paint colors become transparent. Only way I can see the paint layer is by placing it above the material layer which flattens the material layer normal map. Here is the ui.

Would be great to get some feedback. Also this is a multi object (4) low poly scene at tex rez 2048. Its running like a pig when painting. Ray tracing, advanced light sampling, GI not on. Any advice on speeding things up would be super.


  • Joopson
    Offline / Send Message
    Joopson quad damage
    The easiest way will be to disable the "normal" button under Active Maps, for that layer.

    Also not sure what graphics card you're using, which is supremely important for Marmoset's performance, but 8gb ram is very little for modern intensive programs like marmoset.
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Joopson that did the trick! Thanx a million. Also about the ram. Time to update I guess.
  • EarthQuake
    @kanga as far as performance goes, the main factor will be the GPU, so upgrading that should help. More RAM is always good, but VRAM is more important typically in Toolbag. A faster GPU will render the layers and brush effects faster, and more VRAM will allow you to work at higher resolution with more layers.

    A couple of other things to try:

    1. Set Viewport Quality to Fast in the texture project object properties, this should improve interactive performance in scenes with many layers (you may notice some artifacts with certain blend modes with this enabled, but these are temporary and will not save to the final maps - switch back to Full at any time for the full quality preview)
    2. Reduce Viewport Resolution, you can work at a lower resolution to get a more interactive frame rate and bump this back up at any time to get a higher-quality preview
  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    @EarthQuake Thanx a million! This will help :)
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