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Object/World space normal map painting

polycounter lvl 11
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Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
Seems like viewing object space normal maps in marmoset already works ok, so it would be really nice to get the option to paint/edit them in the painting tools. Doesn't seem like there's anyway to do that currently unless I'm missing something. At least not in a way were you can get a live preview of their effect.


  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator
    Not 100% sure but i think painting on the "normals/any" is taboo last i heard and a no no do not do that, from what i read but i do agree, i'd like to do the same sometimes, but then they will just say you have bad practice or are trying to cut corners and "really" the goal should be to fix the process of the high instead of 'painting' the problems away.  Looking forward to any new info on the matter.
  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    hand painting object space normals for stylization purposes is a thing people have been playing around with semi recently. It makes for a really cool effect. But as far as I can figure out neither marmoset nor substance painter actually support it in a way that also previews the normal map result. Seems only blender can do that, but then blenders painting tools lack support for layers, so it's kind of a pain.

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