Hi, this position has been filled. I really appreciate the people who reached out.
Hello artists,
I am looking to hire a hard surface modeler to create a rigged, 3D model of a vintage exercise bike. See screenshots/youtube link below
I actually do not require the entire bike to be modeled. I am most interested in the green highlights. Orange highlights would be welcome, and red are not required at all (but still welcome if you are capable). I'm also open to artistic deviations or shortcuts.

Video of bike in motion:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBAIH4p-S60Job requirements/further information:
- The final result must be a .blend file for me to use in/append to Blender.
- Ideally, the bike would be rigged. However, I may be able to do the rigging myself. Since I'm only needing the pedals to spin and the seat to move up and down, it may be simple enough for my basic knowledge. If rigged, the seat and pedals should be separate/independent of each other.
- I am not looking for high detail or a high polycount, this is intended to used in animation. Reference details such as engavings/etchings can be ignored, I'm mostly interested in just the shape and basic structure.
- The final model will not be re-distributed by me or used in any kind of paid works, I animate purely for enjoyment and hobby. I will still give credit if desired.
- Communication/updates via email are preferred, but I can also do Discord.
- I can do payment through Paypal. Payment will be upfront once the project is agreed on by both parties.