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Seeking Feedback for Hand-Painting Project

Hey there!
I just finished a hand-painted project and would love your honest thoughts. If you can, let me know what skills might need a bit of work. It'll help me figure out where to focus for the next project 

main ref 


  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    looks pretty nice,don't think yuo need that much feedback
  • kanopsalach
    Ruz said:
    looks pretty nice,don't think yuo need that much feedback
    thanks ! i am mostly happy with the result but looking to further my base understending on the next one. would love any gunral recomndaitions for base concepts in hand paintings thet will up my abilaty ? like color theory for exemple ?
  • iam717
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    iam717 interpolator
    if i had to say anything, blinking rotating of the eye some "fx" and the water creature swimming in a circle from time to time would be neat to see.  well done.
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    maybe push the lighting a bit more? Looks good already though
  • kanopsalach
    iam717 said:
    if i had to say anything, blinking rotating of the eye some "fx" and the water creature swimming in a circle from time to time would be neat to see.  well done.
    thanks iam ! i actully thgot of giving the dragon a littele animation and even made his topolegy to fcilitate that, but dident get around tod doing the actual animation.  ill defenetly give it a try on my next one 
  • kanopsalach
    zetheros said:
    maybe push the lighting a bit more? Looks good already though
    could u alaborate on pushing the lghiting? in any case ill defenetly give more focus on lghiting for the next project

  • ThisisVictoriaZ
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    ThisisVictoriaZ polycounter
    you might have to adjust your camera for rendering, in the ref the staff if up close and you can see all of the details very clearly, but in you're there's way more blank/negative space which makes the staff feel small and unimportant. The textures and modelling looks great, so show it off! 
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Hello Kano, really nice stylized asset; I especially like the wood rendering. If I had to crit any of it; the details are pretty evenly spread out on the whole asset making the viewer struggle to know where to look. Focus on a/b/c area of focus, supporting visual, arc to lead back to main. I'd get rid of the blue detail at the head of the staff...as it almost looks like a snake's head and less is more. The crystal ball or egg shaped ball doesn't look entirely set on the staff, meaning it doesn't yet feel like it's tied into the shape of the staff and perhaps after a good swing it'd be flying out from the staff as it's not entirelly secured. The ball; I'm visually kinda struggling to figure out what it is tbh...is it an eye? Is it just a cool mystical orb? I'd pick one or the other and run with it...if it's an orb, make it glow and maybe do crystal sparkles on the inside and go full madam medusa crystal ball, or if it's an eye...really push the eye shape and possibly show an eyelid and make it more spherical in shape instead of an egg shape. You're mystic dragon....while cool, is visually feeling a bit lifeless and doesn't have much expression or give off a vibe of inner peace or attacking or at the ready mystical warrior. I'd pick a side and align towards that more; currently seems indifferent to his presence.  

    Otherwise great work!
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    zetheros said:
    maybe push the lighting a bit more? Looks good already though
    could u alaborate on pushing the lghiting? in any case ill defenetly give more focus on lghiting for the next project

    the concept art has stronger lighting, the rimlights are more pronounced on the haft, and there's a stronger glow from the blue orb
  • kanopsalach
    Hello Kano, really nice stylized asset; I especially like the wood rendering. If I had to crit any of it; the details are pretty evenly spread out on the whole asset making the viewer struggle to know where to look. Focus on a/b/c area of focus, supporting visual, arc to lead back to main. I'd get rid of the blue detail at the head of the staff...as it almost looks like a snake's head and less is more. The crystal ball or egg shaped ball doesn't look entirely set on the staff, meaning it doesn't yet feel like it's tied into the shape of the staff and perhaps after a good swing it'd be flying out from the staff as it's not entirelly secured. The ball; I'm visually kinda struggling to figure out what it is tbh...is it an eye? Is it just a cool mystical orb? I'd pick one or the other and run with it...if it's an orb, make it glow and maybe do crystal sparkles on the inside and go full madam medusa crystal ball, or if it's an eye...really push the eye shape and possibly show an eyelid and make it more spherical in shape instead of an egg shape. You're mystic dragon....while cool, is visually feeling a bit lifeless and doesn't have much expression or give off a vibe of inner peace or attacking or at the ready mystical warrior. I'd pick a side and align towards that more; currently seems indifferent to his presence.  

    Otherwise great work!
    thanks for the detailed respones !!! :)
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