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Need feedback on my most recent portfolio piece.

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GGGL node
I've been working on this model for a while now, I mostly focus on hard-surface modeling, but I've been making progress in my texturing works, this model is kind of a sum of what I've learned so far, so I need some critique, any feedback is appreciated thanks.


  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    No critique here, looks sick.
  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    looks really good. I don't know much about firearms at all, but they are similar to swords and armour in that you need decently extensive background knowledge to model well. If it can plausibly work IRL, you're on the right track. It might be worthwhile to post your render in a firearms forum and see if they have any helpful feedback to give from a technical perspective.
  • GGGL
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    GGGL node
    No critique here, looks sick.
  • GGGL
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    GGGL node
    zetheros said:
    looks really good. I don't know much about firearms at all, but they are similar to swords and armour in that you need decently extensive background knowledge to model well. If it can plausibly work IRL, you're on the right track. It might be worthwhile to post your render in a firearms forum and see if they have any helpful feedback to give from a technical perspective.
    Thanks, I would try posting it on a weapon forum.

  • sacboi
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    sacboi high dynamic range
    Modeled from concept art or own design?

    As an aside - back in the day, had attained experience in a military context handling/operating various weapon systems so from my perspective your example, has disproportionate elements that when placed in a real world setting, would practically in terms of basic ergonomics be non functional.

    5.1. Significant features of an object

    Looking carefully at any weapon it is easy to notice which elements are vital – key to the object. Older games or the mobile ones show it nicely. Due to technical limitations (number of tris, textures resolution, displays’ resolution and size) artists were made to present the essence. A part of irrelevant details was eliminated and those key ones highlighted.

    Ben Bolton Lowpoly Guns portfolio online 2015 source httpswwwartstationcomartistbenbolton

    Here is an example of a contemporary object stylized into a retro one

    Ben Bolton Lowpoly Guns portfolio online 2015 source httpswwwartstationcomartistbenbolton

    Here is an example of a contemporary object stylized into a retro one

    Nowadays, we have reached the stage of so high resolution that we can show all details of realistic weapons (and even add a few more). But we still need to remember to show the essence, to choose those forms, shapes and objects that are important, and highlight them.

    Of course, apart from the key details there are also other, the smaller ones. Analyzing an object it is worth to create the hierarchy of importance ‒ a pyramid. In such a way we can easily determine which elements are important and influence the others.

    bHeckler  Koch HK69A1 - 40x46mmb online isource httpwwwimfdborgwikiHeckler_26_Koch_HK69A1_grenade_launcheri

    The hierarchy of importance for the K 69A1 Grenade pistol.

    Current trends in weapons’ designing require constant developments, adding a lot more, than it is presented in pictures/ references (of course sensibly and moderately). Majority of the real weapons have simple construction – by adding suitable elements we can make objects more attractive for an average player. Also in this case objects should be placed in some hierarchy not to compete with each, other but to harmonize.

    Reno Levi bCall of Duty - Ghostsb portfolio online 2013 isource httpswwwartstationcomartwork2qaAi

    An object of a weapon with substantial amount of „visual additives”. Slings and other additional objects correspond well with the rest.
    On the basis of the hierarchy of importance we should play with the elements, make the object show what we had already determined in our ranking. The easiest ways of manipulations can be the change of scale – the more important, the bigger.
  • GGGL
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    GGGL node
    sacboi said:
    Modeled from concept art or own design?

    As an aside - back in the day, had attained experience in a military context handling/operating various weapon systems so from my perspective your example, has disproportionate elements that when placed in a real world setting, would practically in terms of basic ergonomics be non functional.

    5.1. Significant features of an object

    Looking carefully at any weapon it is easy to notice which elements are vital – key to the object. Older games or the mobile ones show it nicely. Due to technical limitations (number of tris, textures resolution, displays’ resolution and size) artists were made to present the essence. A part of irrelevant details was eliminated and those key ones highlighted.

    Ben Bolton Lowpoly Guns portfolio online 2015 source httpswwwartstationcomartistbenbolton

    Here is an example of a contemporary object stylized into a retro one

    Ben Bolton Lowpoly Guns portfolio online 2015 source httpswwwartstationcomartistbenbolton

    Here is an example of a contemporary object stylized into a retro one

    Nowadays, we have reached the stage of so high resolution that we can show all details of realistic weapons (and even add a few more). But we still need to remember to show the essence, to choose those forms, shapes and objects that are important, and highlight them.

    Of course, apart from the key details there are also other, the smaller ones. Analyzing an object it is worth to create the hierarchy of importance ‒ a pyramid. In such a way we can easily determine which elements are important and influence the others.

    bHeckler  Koch HK69A1 - 40x46mmb online isource httpwwwimfdborgwikiHeckler_26_Koch_HK69A1_grenade_launcheri

    The hierarchy of importance for the K 69A1 Grenade pistol.

    Current trends in weapons’ designing require constant developments, adding a lot more, than it is presented in pictures/ references (of course sensibly and moderately). Majority of the real weapons have simple construction – by adding suitable elements we can make objects more attractive for an average player. Also in this case objects should be placed in some hierarchy not to compete with each, other but to harmonize.

    Reno Levi bCall of Duty - Ghostsb portfolio online 2013 isource httpswwwartstationcomartwork2qaAi

    An object of a weapon with substantial amount of „visual additives”. Slings and other additional objects correspond well with the rest.
    On the basis of the hierarchy of importance we should play with the elements, make the object show what we had already determined in our ranking. The easiest ways of manipulations can be the change of scale – the more important, the bigger.
    Thanks for the reply, and thanks for the info I am aware of some of the guidelines stated but not all of them, the gun was modelled from a 2D reference I found on Pinterest, I wanted to focus on the hard surface complexity and getting a realistic 3d model from a 2D drawing reference.
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