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Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

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Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Looking forward to exploring the vibrant intersections of storytelling, technology, and diverse perspectives that redefine the gaming landscape that comes with GTA! I wonder if a new era of advance Ai NPC's will land in this games tenure?



  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Why do they even bother with trailers?  we're all going to buy it anyway
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Thank god they didnt have the twerking physics back when I was a teenager playing these games.
  • CyberdemoN_1542
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    CyberdemoN_1542 polycounter lvl 5
    What's the appeal with twerking? I'm an ass man but I just don't see it. It just looks stupid to me.
  • myclay
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    myclay greentooth
    What's the appeal with twerking?
    probably the joy of implementing and testing out Jiggle physics and putting in a rest time for the jiggle?
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    What's the appeal with twerking? I'm an ass man but I just don't see it. It just looks stupid to me.

    I dunno. Why are farts funny? They just is.
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    Whats the appeal of someone you are into, shaking their booty at you? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Difficult question. Tbf tho, there is an odd amount of twerking in this GTA trailer lol.

    I've always hated the internet vibe towards Rockstar. Everybody on Reddit always giving them attitude because it takes them so long to make their games... But their games always come out so polished and win so many awards and stuff. It makes sense why it takes a while. Pumped to play this one,
  • CyberdemoN_1542
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    CyberdemoN_1542 polycounter lvl 5
    Whats the appeal of someone you are into, shaking their booty at you? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Difficult question. Tbf tho, there is an odd amount of twerking in this GTA trailer lol.

    I've always hated the internet vibe towards Rockstar. Everybody on Reddit always giving them attitude because it takes them so long to make their games... But their games always come out so polished and win so many awards and stuff. It makes sense why it takes a while. Pumped to play this one,
    It just makes them less attractive in my eyes because of how stupid it looks.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    Great to see XGen hair, I started teaching XGen alembic cache to UE5 this year and it felt like I was jumping the gun so its great to see it coming into use. I also noticed it in FIFA 23

    I Iove this shot :) 

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    @littleclaude are you saying these aren't hair cards?
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    @littleclaude are you saying these aren't hair cards?

    I don't know much about their engine "RAGE" but it looks similar to UE5's meta human hair so I believe it's a similar system, looking at it again it looks like it might be a groom hair made in Houdini, I guess we will have to wait and find out. I notcied a little SSS on the ear and some kind of heat map on the shirt for the normal blend at 1.17 which was a nice touch. 

    The Ai looks like it takes a bit of a leap, for example I like the road rage shot at 51, and the police/ambulance helpers under the car at 1.03 its these little touches that is pushing new ground. When I look at the current GTA on a PC running on a 4090 and then you see this trailer which is not even version 0.1 this game is going to be amazing a few years time.

    I wonder if there will be a dynamic hair growth system? could be fun  

  • zetheros
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    zetheros ngon master
    I haven't really played GTA since GTA3, this is pretty impressive stuff. Waiting on the PC release though :p
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    It's haircards.

    They just got really good at doing them. (or got Little Red Zombies to do them).
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    I thought it was strand based too (the curly one in one of the screenshots above as well as the dreadlocks animating like they do on the guy headbanging on a green truck in the trailer). Would seem like a nightmare to achieve either of these in haircards/with bones. Youtube compression doesn't exactly help in figuring it out though.

    Then again I have no idea how you would run all strand-based in a game like this with whole groups of characters visible nearby on current day hardware. This is a PS5 game after all, isn't it? Either there's some trailer magic at play here or it's going to be 15fps at 720p and ridiculously low draw distances.
    Recalling how badly San Andreas ran on my PS2 back in the day I'm going with the latter for now. ;)

    Btw. Possibly they're using haircards controlled by curve animation? The Star Citizen guys demoed that recently and I think performance advantages was one of the reasons given. Only skipped through the video and did not keep the link but should be easy to find.
  • NikhilR
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    NikhilR polycounter
    If its anything like FC, strand hair is only for some characters, and mainly for cinematics.
    It would be too heavy and unnecessary to use for everyone, unless they are swapping it depending on the LOD.
  • rexo12
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    rexo12 interpolator
     thomasp said:
    I thought it was strand based too (the curly one in one of the screenshots above as well as the dreadlocks animating like they do on the guy headbanging on a green truck in the trailer). Would seem like a nightmare to achieve either of these in haircards/with bones. Youtube compression doesn't exactly help in figuring it out though.

    Then again I have no idea how you would run all strand-based in a game like this with whole groups of characters visible nearby on current day hardware. This is a PS5 game after all, isn't it? Either there's some trailer magic at play here or it's going to be 15fps at 720p and ridiculously low draw distances.
    Recalling how badly San Andreas ran on my PS2 back in the day I'm going with the latter for now. ;)

    Btw. Possibly they're using haircards controlled by curve animation? The Star Citizen guys demoed that recently and I think performance advantages was one of the reasons given. Only skipped through the video and did not keep the link but should be easy to find.
    Interesting you mention trailer magic, I was surprised at how little there seemed to be - pretty clearly a ton of reliance on SSR alongside general 'game' graphics issues like incorrect/no shadowing on small character accessories, hair clipping, etc. All things they could have easily pumped up for the purposes of an in-engine trailer render.
  • littleclaude
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    littleclaude quad damage
    It's haircards.

    They just got really good at doing them. (or got Little Red Zombies to do them).

    I think this trailer is the PC version running on a RTX 4090 and the characters are LOD -1 versions for cut scenes. I don't think they mentioned this is the PS5 version. And it's for this reason I don't think this is Polycards, you can see the AA in the hair, looks like very similar tech to Meta Human to me and there is a ton of AA techniques out there "FXAA, TXAA, TAA, SMAA, MSAA, SSAA" what the RAGE 9 does will be interesting to hear about one day. 

    Anyway we will see in 2024/25 :) 

    Skip to 37 seconds

  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    yeah, bikini chick is definitely simulated.

    But the one above is definitely haircards.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    thomasp said:
    I thought it was strand based too (the curly one in one of the screenshots above as well as the dreadlocks animating like they do on the guy headbanging on a green truck in the trailer). Would seem like a nightmare to achieve either of these in haircards/with bones. Youtube compression doesn't exactly help in figuring it out though.

    Then again I have no idea how you would run all strand-based in a game like this with whole groups of characters visible nearby on current day hardware. This is a PS5 game after all, isn't it? Either there's some trailer magic at play here or it's going to be 15fps at 720p and ridiculously low draw distances.
    Recalling how badly San Andreas ran on my PS2 back in the day I'm going with the latter for now. ;)

    Btw. Possibly they're using haircards controlled by curve animation? The Star Citizen guys demoed that recently and I think performance advantages was one of the reasons given. Only skipped through the video and did not keep the link but should be easy to find.

    i guess it could be handled very similar to how meta humans does it? groom for Lod0 or Lod-1 and then really well made haircard lods to fall back onto.

    that being said, while technically impressive, if they can pull it off

    this is all looks so super unappealing to me, like for real, this world exists already. why would one play it? to me it has the appeal of a farming or other day to day shit sims. the american nightmare, no thanks xD
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    Neox said:

    i guess it could be handled very similar to how meta humans does it? groom for Lod0 or Lod-1 and then really well made haircard lods to fall back onto.

    that being said, while technically impressive, if they can pull it off

    Yeah I was guessing that too. However then you have just doubled your workload and then some, don't you? And at least in my experience making something in haircards with a groom as a definitive reference is a nightmare if it has to match up well. Keeping the volume and detail samey - like working with your hands tied behind your back. And it's not like there's an army of people out there who can do the job well.

    Therefore with a game this big it would have to be some automated conversion thingie in my opinion. So likely not great looking nor animating if you happen to stare at the haircard version and with a swap way more noticeable than if it was all done one way or the other?

  • mahi_sreekumar
    But 2025!! T-T

    That hurt my soul.

  • jermaineb
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    jermaineb polycounter lvl 13
    I was definitely curious how they have these grooms working in real time without a crazy performance drop. Perhaps its just for cinematics? But even still kinda curious to see how heavy it all is.
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