I have a question about rendering the data channel to a texture.
From my understanding the data channel can output this colors either to vertex colors or to a map channel,
but whenever I try to render these, I get either a single channel or the wrong mapping for all the channels.
Basically I want to create a splatmap for unity using this data channel rendered to my own unwrap uv's.
Any ideas? Thank you!

When adding a vertex color to diffuse i only get red channel in the render. In the viewport it shows ok when enable display on data channel, but on render is still red only.
Data Channel Enable Display OFF
Data Channel Enable Display ON
In the end I will try with some falloff maps to get the same effect
However, Vector should be three-dimensional, so I'm not sure why you have to choose X in your second example. Either outputting to the standard Vertex Colors (map channel 0) or a different map channel should be fine.