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(Graduation Project) Making Boulivet Alexis' Tibet Dragon [WIP]

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KaSonnTang node
For my graduation project I wanted to work from a concept and I chose Tibet Dragon by Boulivet Alexis. I will try and update this as much as possible, but at least once every end of the week. Would love to get whatever feedback small or big.

This is the reference - 

As this character is quite exaggerated and stylized and is covered in clothes, I had to start with a super quick paintover to get a general feel for where things lie.

I started from sphere instead of a base mesh to practice more on anatomy and proportions, keeping everything nice and low poly so I can easily to any major changes. Using photos and Anatomy for Sculptors as my main references outside of this concept.

As I started to get kind of happy with the proportions, I continued on more details around the body and face. I also did some quick and dirty placeholder blockouts of the key elements of the silhouette and character to see if everything fits.


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