Hello! First time posting on here, wanted to get some feedback on my sculpt so far.
This is the concept! Very cool by ToothWu

Here is the sculpt so far

Currently unhappy with arm armor bits, Armor detailing in general if anyone has any tips on how to cleanly detail the armor. Workflow rn is Z modeler, apply dynamic sub d, mask and extract the design.
How do I go about the bronze armor circle details
General feedback and critique would be super appreciated!!
Hello! I am back. the character is all baked and optimized all that stuff. Now i'm working on the black and white handpainting! Would love any feedback! I reshaped the face more so he's less flat but unfortunately to stick to the class schedule did not have time to fix the back armor/leather thing.
Gradient B+W Pass
Face Adjustment ;.) - TRIED to unflatten him but still get the front angle to look similar to concept