Hello fellow artists!
If you frequent social media or reddit, you know there will always be some graphical comparison between latest releases, console wars, IP wars, old fans calling new games of a series trash etc. Some opinions I can totally get behind, but some of them make me question myself. That's why
I've been feeling a bit hesitant about sharing my opinions on the technical and graphical aspects of games in public settings. I'm curious to know if any of you have experienced similar feelings. How do you handle sharing your insights and expertise openly? Some devs/artist got into hot water simply stating some facts, some got roasted over their opinions.
Let's discuss some of them here. Feel free to add your opinion/hot take on any game, expand on it freely. I need to hear more from this side. 1 -
use of color filters in games. People campaigned against some games like Starfield having filters in specific outposts or planets, wanted all to have the same color grading. I believe it's beneficial to give sense of atmosphere. Bethesda's never been after hyper realism in any of their RPGs, they call it fantasy realism or something like that. Like Skyrim didn't have the most realistic water even for 2011. It was a mix between stylized and realism that aged better than the games that aimed for hyper realism at the time, also runs on more lower end devices.

It could have been tweaked maybe, but completely removing all color filters would just make every location look the same, if you set any architectural/structural differences aside.
2 -
huge landscapes make games boring/bland. The most complained games about this are latest Assasins Creed games and RDR2. Maybe I think more like an environment artist, but I enjoy just chilling in a rural setting without worrying if there are some enemies to kill or objectives to complete. Also both these games make use of that large landscapes and corporate different seasons in some parts of the map along with color filters. (yes, filters again)

3 -
x game has bad graphics. y game has superb graphics. The recent release of Forza Motorsport showed something I've been suspecting some long time. The media has some bias against some brands/IPs. In the graphical comparison videos of Forza MS and Grand Tourismo 7 some people went as far as claiming Forza has PS3 era graphics and GT7 is miles better in terms of looks. The material definition of the cockpit shots in the Forza alone makes these claims look silly. I really don't know what else to say.
4 - Another popular hot take is
Gotham Knights looks worse than Arkham Knight. Again I love the detail on materials and shaders in Gotham. I only played an hour or so of the game myself with HDR on a console after all the patches. Maybe that played a huge part but what I have seen so far has been phenomenal, especially lighting and details of the interiors.
There are some parts that geniunely felt a backwards some like water effects. But the overall design is smooth. Saying this game could've run at 60 FPS with these graphical fidelity is something but calling it looking objectively worse than its 7-year old counterpart is another thing.
* They had some bad publicity before launch, like their lead TA calling
next gen Xbox a potato and the reason why the game can't be 60 FPS, excusing untethered co-op as the reason why the game underperformed or dropping last gen support last minute. Imo these might have contributed to overall receivement.
I still want to appreciate the effort these artists and engineers put into these games. Some of the finest craftsmanship went buried under failed management, time/budget constraints and marketing. Some games had their redemptions like Cyberpunk and No man's sky, but some will never have another chance at it (looking at you Bioware)

When you're a game developer it becomes easier to discern the difference between truth and sensationalist opinions, like that popular bit where "Game Developers Hate Larian For Being Good". No one hates Larian for making a good game, lol