I cannot figure out how to export my mesh without it triangulating. I export as an .fbx with triangualtion turned off. I've tried different versions of FBX as well. Also tried without preserving edge orientation. I import into multiple other softwares to test and it always triangulates.
Feel like I've tried everything, does anyone know a solution? I'm using the newest version of Max 2024.
I have tried all suggestions in this thread as well: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/3ds-max-modeling/prevent-fbx-export-from-triangulating/td-p/5205045
Also, what does your modifier stack look like?
you can use a turn to mesh modifier or snapshots to do that non-destructively.
There aren't a lot of good ways to transfer a quad mesh and not screw the triangulation between apps though if that's the goal. but if you don't care about tri it should work fine.
No idea why this exact combination works, but it does. If anyone tries this, let me know how it goes!
USD was developed to solve a long list of problems but weird triangulation when importing into painter isn't one of them. The primary reason was to provide a framework for assembling large scenes out of lots of smaller ones in a nice neat hierarchy that can be easily queried and manipulated.
violet2 is probably thinking along the right lines - fbx will fix geometry it doesn't like (eg. non-manifold, concave ngons etc.) on export so its entirely possible it's getting triangulated at that stage.
you really dont want quads in painter anyway - it'll mess with your bakes.