Hi! In the substance designer material settings you can adjust the tiling amount on your cube/plane/cylinder to see how well your materials will tile over a large ground surface by pressing materials tab - edit - tiling. This is different from setting up one of the tiling nodes because this effects the uvs of your plane/cube and not the actual material you're making, and I've found this very helpful for learning how to make tiling materials. Right now the dirt is reading more like sand (maybe its the color?), and I'm concerned the larger rocks will give away the tiling once they are on the ground mesh, but its hard to say atm. The grass looks good tho, and I like the variation of shapes and sizes!
I am actually going for a more sandy look since it's an island setting. For the tiling and larger rocks I'll definetly see if it's the case to blend two materials together. I redid the grass actually the coloring was making me mad ahah (ill leave it here as an update). Thank you so much for your input,helps a ton !
The grass one looks a bit more stylized than the dirt one. Im not saying stylized is bad but if they are in the same scene you need to be consistent. You could probably bump the height on those rocks a bit and give them more "pop"; right now it all looks kinda flat. Other than that looks great
For the tiling and larger rocks I'll definetly see if it's the case to blend two materials together.
I redid the grass actually the coloring was making me mad ahah (ill leave it here as an update)
Thank you so much for your input,helps a ton !
You could probably bump the height on those rocks a bit and give them more "pop"; right now it all looks kinda flat. Other than that looks great