I was watching some videos on texturing stuff in substance painter and they kept switching between some of these shaders (using the word loosley cuz im not sure what these are), so if they needed something to be emmisive they switched to a different one and i get the feeling this would be important to know in the future, so i was wondering how do i tell what each of these do and how they differ from one another? also can i make my own shaders, what software would i use for this?

Besides that, the main thing to know is how they handle alpha channels. Alpha blending is for semi transparency - glass etc. Alpha masking (or cutout?, I forget what they call it) is for on/off transparency - something like a chainlink fence.
None of it will really matter if your work ends up in a game engine because it will use materials built for the project, so I wouldn't worry too much about what they all do or how to make your own. I've been using SP for 5-6 years, and only ever used the 3 base pbr mats (opaque, masked/cutout, blending).