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Needing some help with MEL Script~

polycounter lvl 5
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Zunabi polycounter lvl 5
Hello lovely peeps,
  I'm very new to writing scripts but have always wanted to get more into it!
I'm currently trying to write a MEL script that selects all objects with the suffix of hg in the mesh name, adds the existing lambert to all, polySoftEdges everything, deletes input history, and cleans up the scene. I've added the lambert mat part specifically due to work reasons heh-

I'm having problems with trying to figure out a way to get polySoftEdge to work. Currently when I run this script:
select -r "hg*";
sets -e -forceElement initialShadingGroup;
polySoftEdge -a 180 -ch 1;
delete -ch;

it gives me the Error of how line 3 Doesn't work with multiple objects selected.

Is there a way to get around this?

Much appreciated and thank you for your time~


  • Zunabi
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    Zunabi polycounter lvl 5
    Or better yet, if easier to do in python (tho I haven't figured out how to translate sets -e -forceElement initialShadingGroup into python yet..)
    import maya.cmds as cmds
    import maya.mel as mel
    models = cmds.ls(sl=True)
    for m in models:
        cmds.polySoftEdge( a=180 );
    cmds.delete(all=True, ch=True);
    mel.eval("cleanUpScene 3")

    It still does the same thing with the error of doesn't work with multiple objects selected.
    Either response in MEL or Python would be much appreciated~
  • neilberard
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    neilberard polycounter lvl 18
    (Don't have access to Maya atm to test) but you can just select each mesh in your for loop. Also, you don't need semicolons in Python, FYI.
    for m in models:

  • ylke
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    ylke polycounter lvl 6
    Try this
    1. import maya.cmds as cmds
    2. import maya.mel as mel
    4. #Get all the transform nodes that have hg in it's name
    5. geo_list = cmds.ls('*hg*',type='transform')
    7. #run through all the geometry
    8. for geo in geo_list:
    9. #Ch=0 so that the soft edge won't end up in history
    10. cmds.polySoftEdge(geo,a=180,ch=0)
    11. #Get shapes to assign material to
    12. geo_shp = cmds.listRelatives(geo,s=1)[0]
    13. cmds.sets(geo_shp, e=True, forceElement='initialShadingGroup')
    15. cmds.select(cl=1)
    16. mel.eval("cleanUpScene 3")

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