Hello Everyone, I joined Artstation's Neo-Tokyo Environment Production Challenge, and I need some help. They recommended you pick a concept from the concept portion of the contest and follow that, making changes if you need too. So I picked this concept by PJ
https://www.artstation.com/challenges/neo-tokyo/categories/180/submissions/80333, and I have the rough blockout done. However, I've never really done a full Environment with modeling, texturing and porting it into Unreal and I've kind of hit a roadblock, I'm just staring at the screen not sure how to progress. Any advice you can give me I would happily take, I know what I need to do I just can't figure out how to start, don't really know how to explain it except that I hit a wall. I'll include the blockout I finished and the concept piece by PJ.

Bottom is mine, the top is the concept piece by PJ on Artstation.
your camera is way different from the concept, and it would be helpful to get some rough lighting in as well. Its easy to get overwhelmed with building an environment but dont give up! This is a dope concept!
Here is a little blog about planning out an environment that could be useful https://www.artstation.com/blogs/ninaklos/7WMr/a-guide-to-planning-a-project-how-to-stay-on-top-of-it
Good luck!