I use Animaze for my YouTube channel but I don’t know how to create 2d backgrounds, Animaze does come with some 2d backgrounds that I can use but I want to make my own 2d backgrounds.
Is there any online 2d background makers for beginners?
Here’s my channel
https://www.youtube.com/@KINGSLEY-TV/Any help would be greatly appreciated,
..you know that this is a site about 3D.. which might be one dimension more complex ?? ... ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
I’m wanting one background to have a log fire burning and flames moving and another the two images I’ve sent you I want it to look like my animated character is in the centre of his bed under the sheets so his head sticks out above the sheet, and the news one so it looks like he’s sitting being the news desk.
all the best,
Animaze will have technical requirements for how you setup the animations and layers. https://www.animaze.us/manual/gettingstartedbackgrounds
If you want the bedroom behind your avatar, and a bed sheet in front, then you can set it up similar to the fish example on that page. Your bed sheets would be a replacement of the fish's microphone layer.
To paint new backgrounds, or to model them in 3D, will require you learning how to draw or paint in 2D, or else how to make models and materials and lighting in 3D.
If you want to learn how to draw or paint in 2D, we have some resources here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:M8Z8WMwdPpcJ:wiki.polycount.com/wiki/Concept_Fundamentals&cd=10&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us (sorry, our Wiki is down right now, so this Google cache will have to do).
I would suggest you start making your own background painting, and share your works in progress here on Polycount, so people can give feedback. If you listen to feedback, and keep working on your background, and regularly posting your progress, this will help you improve more quickly.
Learning to make images is an exciting process, I wish you well!