Working on my first "serious" project, and first time asking for advice/critique from someone, because I feel stuck. Making a lot of small tweaks over and over for several days already, and not making any progress.
I'm trying to sculpt a female head in this kind of style, but a Caucasian instead of Asian.

I need some general feedback on this work: does anatomy look good? how to make this face more appealing/cuter? Like does it look decent at least?
And also, specifically mouth/lips look weird to me, like there is some unwanted tension, a bit of a duckface look, and I cant find a way to fix it. Are eyes set to deep or is it fine? Also, it feels to me like she looks better without hair, possibly because the hairline is in the wrong place, or perhaps hair in a too early stage compared to the face?
Head Without perspective.

Camera focal length set to 85.

Here are some more references that I've used, but I was not going one to one for this look, just some facial features.

And yes, I was going for a bit of a stylized look and saw that making eyes lower tends to make the face look younger/cuter, I guess I put them too low.