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Looking for skilled 2D and 3D Character Artists

polycounter lvl 6
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Vandre12 polycounter lvl 6
Hello Everyone! 

Re-Opening a previous Game Concept. All the Foundational work is Done, Just looking for some help getting our Alpha Version across the line now. Our Game has been worked on for a while, here is a little Summary of our project:

Project Outline:

Multiplayer and single player (focus on multiplayer)

Genre : Role Playing, Survival, Strategy, Free To Play

Play Value : Third Person and First Person, Challenging Real Time Strategy Survival

What’s Unique : Biome Collision - Mixture of Intense PVP/PVE Survival

Engine : Unreal Engine 5

Platform : Cross Platform; PS/XBOX/PC


A universal Evil that has destroyed countless planets and stars inhabited by other species, has reached Planet Earth on its list of forced extinction. This evil has watched over the Human race for centuries in his attempt to study us and find the method of destruction. After its conclusion that the Human race is power hungry and reckless, Evil has found a way for us to destroy the world with our selfish desires, by pinning us up against each other for the ultimate Prize. The Rune of Revelation. The Rune possesses a glowing power that cannot be imagined, a power that not only has the capability to destroy the world but it can also delete life as we know it in seconds; Beyond Apocalyptic. The Rune was sent down to Earth with 5 unsteady runes by its side, in order to create the taxing Arena filled with the world's most challenging Biomes and Quests, only the worlds most deserving were sucked out of their homes to compete in the highest form of competition. 

Win the Rune of Revelation, Rule the World. Or so we think.

We are looking for skilled 2D and 3D Artists to take some conceptual designs from 2D to a fully Animated Model. Ideally people who are passionate about the concept and wanna grow with a Team as well as Individually. Although this is Post-Production Pay (PPP) for those who remain on the project to the end. We still have requirements we look for in people joining the team:

-Able to meet Deadlines 10 fold.
-Being Available for Progress Meetings.
-Punctuality is crucial
-Clear Communicational Skills
-Good under pressure and able to face adversity head on.

This Project is quite large and it will need dedicated artists, people with ability to see things through.

The Goal is to have a team that is passionatte about turing this into another AAA game that brings passion back into the community of Gamers. 

If you think this is You, Reach out :)

dreko2023@gmail.com orr PM me on Polycount,



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