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[Blender] Create Group After Naming It

polycounter lvl 12
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daniellooartist polycounter lvl 12
I press enter, nothing happens. How am I supposed to create a group after naming it? I tried pressing enter but I can not for the life of me imagine what else the commit hotkey could be.

Fixed: Went to something other than outliner and switched it back


  • okidoki
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    okidoki greentooth
    The add Object -> Collection -> New Collection (Ctrl-G)  seems to be leftover of the changes when introducing collection (which ar not groups). In fact in Object Properties -> Collection there will be a new collection.. and if switching the outliner display mode to Orphan Data you also can see them.. but they are not connected somewhere in the scene.. 

    Anyway: It's better to use Object -> Collection -> Move to Collecion(M) or some other operation from this menu (link to, remove from) to manage/organize any collection or use the outliner for this.
  • gnoop
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    gnoop sublime tool
    When you do Ctrl+G it makes hidden collection not showing  in Outliner  View layer .      Only in Orphan data .    I personally find it  quite convenient  for some service things , temporary grouping, testing etc.      if  you use such group  in geometry node it's not orphan anymore but still hidden in "view layer" and not in "Blender file" .      

    Yeah. perhaps just a leftover but makes  outliner easier to read  when you have gazillion of groups IMO. 
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    yeah thats a really annoying bug. it does not create the new collection

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