Hello, Thank for taking a look.
I created this in zbrush and it has a lot of lumps. I'm wondering if there is a better program to surface it in to create some better surface continuity? Maybe Rhino? or fusion 360? or do I need to get into alias? Or is there a better way in zbrush itself? Please help!
but to hardsurface ZB via sculpting imo it's best to work up to a decent amount of dynamesh resolution. Sculpt the main forms, then you can use polygroups and various extraction methods, panel loops, group loops and zemesh and some zmodeller etc on top of the sculpt to get cleaner subdiviable geometry than you can crease by poly group or add support loops via zmodeller with. It's really powerful but has a steep learning curve as far as a modelling workflow goes. Basically just watch keos masons wizardry and artists like that imo.
Bare in mind you have to have a good idea of what types of details you will sculpt (or even boolean) in on the clean mesh later on, ie make sure all the extracted zemeshed stuff are the large forms and don't get caught up into a little cool indent or rivet holes and crap that will make problems for zremesher or just the shape in general.