In this project i have created a Rural gas station set in the Arizona desert. The aim for this project is to improve my environment skills and scene lighting skills. I have a hybrid block out of the scene created and the basic look of the scene has been created but a lot of change is to come so i will be posting updates to this forum. Please comment on ideas and improvements i can make to this stage of the process, any feedback is very helpful.

I think the hills in the background detract from the composition, it robs the interesting silhouette of the gas station. The overall composition might also be better if it weren't so symmetrical in both x and y...which makes it feel a little static. Since you have a very panoramic aspect ratio, I think it would help to shift the framing around, maybe pan more to the right to give the composition some room to breathe. (Referring to the flat value scheme would be perfect for this)
I like the long cast shadows that indicate blue or golden hour...but I think the direction can be adjusted. It looks almost directly backlit in relation to the orientation of the building, so everything under the awning is in shadow. I think it could be more interesting if the shadows fall more left to right in screen space so that you get more interesting cast shadows across the scene.
I also think that this era of gas stations have some pretty bold color that could also be something to consider.
Keep at it!
As you can see the scene has had a lot of changes and now i want to work on changing the backdrop and weather effect of the scene to really test myself and see what i can create.
Thanks to those who have given me feedback so far i appreciate it so much!
I hope you won't mind if I elaborate a little further on composition:
I dig the color scheme too. I've lived (and traveled) the southwest for a bit and definitely get some hints of the "painted desert" vibes