Hello, I would like to share the process of creating my second pack of props that I am sending to the UE Marketplace, just like the first one, it deals with following a very specific style of content that we find in local neighborhood commerce, This volume is a completely modular and customizable newsstand.
This work also breaks some paradigms, it is my first work with
#MadeWithAI, I had to use all the benefits of AI to get this work done, otherwise it would be impossible to accomplish in a few weeks.
I was once very radical with the use of AI, but I understood and learned that if used as a tool, it becomes very powerful and extremely productive.
I needed to generate 81 magazine cover headlines, so chatgpt was the best choice, to generate the magazine cover arts, I used leonardo.ai doing image generation in the img2img style, then I took the photos and reference arts and tried to create either a generation from scratch or a similar generation of the reference. Sometimes the generation delivered me just a redraw style, other times it generated new content.
I also used deepl to localize the text of the magazines into English.
I also made a few snacks, groceries, and drinks with fake brands, just like the "gta way" lets talk about this, there are 14 fictional snack foods, some based on real brands, you look at it and recognize it, just 3 drinks, cola-cola can and two water, a few products like super glue, batteries pack, flip flops, lighter, and that stuff that are sold at convenience stores.
My moodboard for this and the previously packs:
This is my fictional vector artboard where I did the "brands" and some texture related stuff:
The magazine's cover, there are 6 NSFW covers
I have localized only the headlines, not the magazine names. But I think this should be enough.
Here is some of snacks, drinks, food display and products substance viewport screenshots, you can check the count info above.

Talking about the pack itself
- 25 magazines subjects
- PT-BR, JP-JPN and EN-US localization of magazine cover headlines
- 81 Total of unique magazine covers (162 with the localizations)
- 2 newspaper (4 print runs)
- 6 NSFW magazines
- 7 Products (packaging in pt-br)
- 14 Snacks (packaging in pt-br)
- 3 Drinks (packaging in pt-br)
- 11 Graffiti decals (in pt-br)
- 6 Newsstand presets (78x157in/4x2m - 118x196in/5x3m - 157x236in/6x4m)
- 39 Newsstand modular pieces
- 30 Misc & general products
- 70 AC blueprint for magazine presets (35 pt-br covers, 35 en-us covers)
- 31 AC blueprint for snacks in displays and products
- 8 AC blueprint for general products
- 2 levels, overview and demo
Tech info:
- Number of Unique Meshes: 219
- Collision: No
- Vertex Count: from 12 to 140.328 tris
- LODs: No (nanite project)
- Number of Materials and Material Instances: 6 and 424
- Number of Textures: 1006
- Texture Resolutions: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
Available at:
Here is my artstation link for this with more screenshots:

All the changes can be tracked on my artstation page.
here is epic store link: