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Light Bake Causing Bright Edge Artifacts On Sharp Angled Objects

ngon master
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Bolovorix ngon master
I've been trying to track down the cause of this issue but have not had any luck. If I find someone with a similar issue on the Unity forums nobody seems to have found a solution for it.

After my light bake, I get this pixelated edge that can be seen only at certain angles and it doesn't matter how close/far the camera is from the object. It also doesn't appear in the lightmap itself.

Also worth noting that I've made my lightmap UVs in Blender so I'm not relying on Unity to generate lightmap UVs. 

Some things I've tried are:
  • Adjusting the lightmap resolution
  • Increased lightmap padding
  • Increased lightmap scale for the object
  • Split all the edges and hardened them
  • increased lightmap UV scale and spacing in blender
  • Softened edges
  • Adjusted anti-aliasing settings
  • Baked with hard shadows and no shadows
  • Generated Lightmaps in Unity
  • Adjusted compression settings
The list goes on but I can't recall everything at this point. 
It's mostly apparent on this object specifically and from these bright lights I have in the scene. The outline will change depending on the color of the lights and they aren't realtime lights.
Even if I turn the brightness down very low with a small radius it doesn't eliminate the problem, it only reduces it.

Here's what the lightmap bake looks like for this object:

Anyways thanks for looking.


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