Finishing this was Phase I of a larger concept. Phase II is to turn it into a magic car, and really fuck some shit up. Think, like, the Delorean in Back to the Future III. Where you could see all the weird modifications they had made to the car. [Edit: Let me add some pictures here. It was late and I was tired]
Oh. So the car is going to have a magical traffic drive on it. You know how a warp drive warps spacetime? Well a traffic drive warps traffic. SO say you were sitting in a standstill traffic jam. As the car approched and folded you into its traffic shell the cars around you would start to move, until the traffic jam had totally vanished and you were moving along at 90 mph again. And then as the car overtook you and you left the traffic shell, the car in front of you slams on its brakes and your back at a standstill again.
So I'm thinking that the car should have warp nacels incorporated into the rear fenders. I just don't know which ones. I think the Enterprise D nacels are a little too iconic to get away with but I'm willing to be convinced.