I'm making character hair using cards.
The tutorial I'm following is doing this in maya while I'm on max. The author did two steps that seems to be rather maya specific, wonder if anyone could help locating the same functionality on max.
First thing he did was making cards that are 6 polies behave like it was quite subdivided (he mentioned optimization will follow later). I think that function was something like f2 or f3 in maya (don't have it, can't check if true).
I managed to recreate that by using turbosmooth or use nurms subdivision in edit poly modifier.
So far so good.
But the second step i can't think of effective and nondestructive way to achieve. I need to be able to move several objects vertexes (f8 in maya).
I know that I can add edit poly modifier on several objects and move them, but when I collapse edit poly I get the mesh that already has all the vertexes from turbosmooth/nurms. I also tried not to collapse but I see the mesh and textures quite quickly becomes messed up.
The last resort option i found is to add several needed cards as elements and then hide unhide them as needed, but that only helps when wanting to move several objects vertexes and makes individual cards adjustment tedious.
So is there some similar functionality for the described maya behavior ?
Managed to get some screenies from maya and max so maybe that will help to describe what im getting stuck on.
Please take a look at little gif video I made to illustrate the results. Maybe I'm doing some step wrong or something.
Took a bit of trying and rereading your comment, but I think I managed to achieve what you described.
It kinda works, will give it a try while waiting for pxgeeks or other replies.
Is there a way for cage to not become "wild" after some time?
Imgur is saying they're over capacity or something.
So this is the gif from last post for pxgeek .
And this one from last post for Eric Chadwick . As I said it kind of works and I'll try to use this and see how it goes, but is there a way to make the cage less wild? As I understand I probably have to make the major work on the individual cards and only do "small touchups" on the multiple selected cards since it seems the individual cages(lower stacks) doesn't follow the multiple cards (top of the stack) geometry so if I move the upper stacks points a lot (wouldn't call it extreme thou) the bottom cage will still be relatively straight. Once again, not a deal breaker, but wondering if something can be done about it.